Nota original: https://www.unz.com/tsaker/the-mob-did-not-win/
Traducción: @Hyspasia
Nota de la Traductora: En el día de hoy y (espero) mañana traduciremos dos artículos de dos norteamericanos respecto a los eventos de la última semana en EEUU. Ambos coinciden en señalar la instalación de la oligarquía que gobierna el país en una posición de (aparente) supremacía absoluta. Ambos coinciden en la descripción de los mecanismos de esta construcción de poder. Uno es judío y otro desagradablemente antisemita. Sin embargo arriban - curiosamente - a las mismas conclusiones. Hoy entrego los principales párrafos de UNZ. Mañana - si Dios quiere - a Curtis Yarvin.
¡La Turba No Ganó!
¡La Turba No Ganó! Es así como el medio FoxNews supuestamente conservador celebró la supuesta derrota de la supuesta turba.
Véalo por usted mismo:
FoxNews finalmente mostró su verdadera cara durante el robo de la elección cuando declaró que Trump había perdido la elección mucho antes de que se materializara ningúna evidencia que apoyara esta tesis. Ahora queda abundantemente claro que salvo algunas excepciones (notablemente Tucker Carlson), FoxNews está en la misma onda que la CNN y el resto de ellos. Entonces ¿Qué es lo que acaba de suceder y qué toma su lugar ahora?
A los norteamericanos le han lavado el cerebro en que deben llamar todo aquello que no les gusta o que no entienden "socialista" e incluso "marxista". La triste realidad es que la mayoría de los norteamericanos sinceramente creen que Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez o Bernie Sanders son "socialistas", y cuando ven películas ridiculamente llenas de "minorías" y freaks de género fluido - están frente a un caso de "marxismo cultural" (¡un término totalmente hueco, dicho sea de paso!). No tiene ningún sentido. Ni el marxismo ni el socialismo tiene nada que ver con BLM [Black Lives Matter - las vidas de los negros importan], Antifa, Nancy Pelosi o Chuck Schumer (¡de hecho, el marxismo pone en un lugar primordial a la al ley y el orden!). No tengo ni tiempo ni espacio aquí para discutir el marxismo, pero creo que existe una herramienta analítica que sí le podemos pedir prestada al pensamiento marxista que puede dar algo de sentido a todo lo que ha pasado en los EEUU. Empecemos por hacernos una simple pregunta:
¿Si la turba no ganó, quién ganó?
Claramente no fue el concepto abstracto de "ley y orden". En primer lugar, ahora ha quedado abundantemente claro que algunos policías deliberadamente dejaron entrar (a un pequeño) subgrupo de manifestantes, no sólo a través del cerco policial externo del edificio Capitolio sino al mismo edificio. ¿Eso no es exactamente ley y orden, no? Es más, ahora ha quedado claro que un policía (aparentemente negro) deliberadamente disparó contra Ashli Babbit y que este hombre fue rápidamente escondido de la vista de las autoridades. No exactamente ley y orden tampoco.
Tampoco ganó el concepto abstracto de "democracia" ese día. Muchos manifestantes han sido grabados diciendo que el edificio del Capitolio pertenecía al pueblo, no a las personas que trabajan en él en nombre del pueblo. Tienen razón. Pero aún si aceptamos la noción de que aquellos que entraron al edificio estaban infrigiendo alguna ley o reglamentación, la masiva ruptura del derecho a la libre expresión que inmediatamente siguió a los eventos en el Capitolio ha dejado en claro que la "democracia" tampoco ganó ese día. Más sobre este tema más adelante.
Entonces, ¿Quién ganó?
Bueno, fijémosnos quiénes están celebrando y quiénes están demandando acciones punitivas e incluso represivas contra quienes apoyan a Trump:
- Los demócratas [partido demócrata].
- La corporación de los ziomedios.
- Todas las agencias gubernamentales con nombres llenos de letras [N. de T.: "letter soup agencies"] y sus oficiales jerárquicos.
- La mayoría de los líderes del partido republicano.
- El Lobby de la Guerra (que incluye a los Guerreros de la Guerra Fría).
- Big Money (MIC, petroleras, farmacéuticas, "Jails and Prisons" {*}, etc.)
- El Lobby de Israel (especialmente ADL) {**}.
- El Lobby de odio a Rusia.
- Antifa/BLM/ etc.
- Los freaks que lideran varias "minorías".
- Big Tech megacorporaciones à la Google o Amazon.
- Son numéricamente pequeños, definitivamente una minoría.
- Son muy ricos.
- Están muy cerca de los centros de poder.
- Comparten la misma ideología narcisista (Neocon) de autoidolatría.
- Están guiados por la mismo ideología de revancha basada en el odio.
- No les importa el pueblo de los EEUU.
- Quieren desmantelar el orden constitucional de los EEUU.
"Yo, [nombre], juro solemnemente (o afirmo) que administraré justicia sin tener en cuanta a las personas, y que haré lo correcto tanto frente a los pobres como a los ricos, y que seré leal e imparcial y cubriré mis obligaciones como [título] bajo la Constitución y la leyes de los EEUU. Con la ayuda de Dios".
"Yo, [nombre la persona conscripta], juro solmnemente (o afirmo) que yo apoyaré y defenderé la Constitución de los EEUU contra todos sus enemigos, extranjeros y domésticos; que seré leal a los propios; y que obedeceré las órdenes del Presidente de los EEUU y de los oficiales superiores, de acuerdo a las regulaciones y al Código Militar. Con la ayuda de Dios".
No creo que haga falta seguir pegándole a un perro muerto y simplemente resumo:
El régimen que en breve reemplazará a la Administración Trump es una ocupación ilegal del gobierno, con fuertes lados a intereses extranjeros (¡y no estoy hablando de Rusia y China acá!); frente al cual todos los miembros de las FFAA han jurado oponerse; ésta es precisamente la clase de régimen de ocupación que los Padres Fundadores previeron en su Declaración de la Independencia. Es más, el imperio de la ley ha claramente colapsado, al menos al nivel federal. Esto debería darles a los estados mayor libertad de movimiento para resistir los decretos del nuevo régimen (al menos aquellos estados que mostraron estar dispuestos a resistir, por ejemplo Texas y Florida, acá). Los líderes de la Nomenklatura de los EEUU lo entienden así, al menos a cierto nivel y no debemos esperar ningún grado de decencia por parte de ellos; nadie de nosotros puede esperar piedad. La venganza - y el odio -es lo que alimenta esta ideología, llena de personas que abominan, desprecian y temen al resto de la humanidad porque nadie está dispuesto a adorarlos y rendirles pleitesía como "Amos y Señores". Pero esto es también el principio de su fin.
Cierto, ninguna "turba" conquistó el Capitolio, a menos que nos denominemos "turba" al (odiados, desgraciado e inútil) Congreso. Y, por supuesto, tampoco lo conquistó el "pueblo" o los manifestantes. El único ganador de esta entera operación fue el estado profundo de los EEUU y la Nomenklatura de los EEUU. Pero no ganaron ninguna guerra, sólo la batalla de inicio de la guerra que será mucho más larga de lo que ellos en su ignorancia imaginan.
Lo dije muchas veces, Trump destruyó los EEUU en el exterior, en términos de política internacional. Los demócratas acaban de hacer, sólo que en política interna. Trump destruyó la credibilidad de los EEUU como país en el exterior, pero son los demócratas los que realmente decidieron sabotear todo el sistema político que les permitió manotear el poder en primer lugar.
Lo que viene ahora es un gobierno ilegal de un régimen ilegítimo que ha llegado al poder por la violencia (BLM, Antifa, la falsa bandera del Capitolio). Ésta será una gerontocracia al estilo soviético con figurones seniles que pretenderán estar al frente de las cosas (imagine a Biden vs Chernenko). Miren como aparecen todos los viejos de la época de Obama; nombres que ahora circulan para las posiciones en el Gabinete. Podemos apostar dos cosas: los nuevos gobernantes serán tan malvados como incompetentes, mayormente debido a su falta de educación (¡incluso parece que Nuland y Psaki están de vuelta!). La administración Biden será similar a la de Kerensky en la Rusia "democrática": caos, violencia, muchos y muchos discursos y caos económico y social. La próxima pregunta crucial y aterradora ahora es: ¿qué reemplazará la versión Kerensky del régimen de los EEUU?
Puede ser muy temprano para contestar esta pregunta, pero debemos empezar a preguntárnosla, al menos para que no nos tome por sorpresa.
Pero hasta ese momento, el "terrorismo doméstico" será el cuco que nos dirán que debemos temer. Y como todos los niños y niñas buenos saben, la mejor manera de lidiar con la amenaza del "terrorismo doméstico" es desmantelar la Primera y Segunda Enmiendas de la Constitución. Al tener tribunales corruptos en todos los niveles, y una Corte Suprema sin carácter, estamos por las nuestras. Por supuesto, habrá resistencia por parte de los deplorables que todavía aman a su país y a su Constitución.
Pero no importa cuánto tiempo tome (puede llevarnos décadas) y cuán violenta se vuelva la confrontación (y lo será, aunque más no sea ¡porque el régimen vitalmente necesita más banderas falsas para sobrevivir!), lo que sucederá con este régimen de ocupación es lo que ha sucedido con todos ellos a lo largo de la historia. (¿Será por eso que no enseñan más historia en las escuelas?).
Como escribió el poeta y bardo ruso Vladimir Vissotski: "es imposible pisotear las almas con botas" (сапогами не вытоптать душу). Ahora todos somos ciudadanos del Tercer Mundo.
* * *
{*} Nota de la Traductora: Las prisiones son de administración privada en gran parte de los estados de EEUU, lo que los convierte en grandes proveedores del estado, que mueven miles de millones de dólares al año y son grandes contribuyentes a las campañas electorales, no sólo de presidentes, sino de gobernadores, miembros de las legislaturas, fiscales y jueces penales, donde estos puestos son electorales.
{**} Nota de la Traductora: No coincido en esta apreciación. Nunca EEUU e Israel tuvieron mejor relación que con Trump.
The Mob Did Not Win!
The mob did not win! This is how the supposedly conservative FoxNews celebrated the supposed defeat of a supposed mob. See for yourself:
We all remember how the Clinton gang was mega-super-sure that Hillary would easily defeat Trump. And just to make darn sure that the US “plebes” don’t do anything stupid, the US legacy corporate ziomedia engaged in probably the most hysterical candidate bashing propaganda operation in history only to find out that the “deplorables” did not vote as they were told to, they voted for “Trump The New Hitler” instead.
What a truly unforgivable affront of these serfs against the masters which God, or Manifest Destiny, placed above them!
And just as their pseudo-liberal colleagues from the past, the US liberals decided that this vote was a slap in their face which, of course, is quite correct (I still believe that most votes for Trump where not votes for Trump, but votes against Hillary); it was, so to speak, a gigantic “f**k you!” from the revolting serfs against their masters. And class consciousness told the US Nomenklatura that this was an anti-masters pogrom, a US “Jacquerie” if you wish. This “revolt of the serfs” had to be put down, immediately, and it was: Trump caved to the Neocons in less than a month (when he betrayed General Flynn) and ever since the US Nomenklatura has been using Trump as a disposable President who would do all the crazy nonsense imaginable to please Israel, and who would then be disposed off. And yet it is now quite clear that the US “deplorables” voted for the “wrong” candidate again! Hence the need for a (very poorly concealed) “election steal” followed by a “test of loyalty” (you better side with us, or else…) which eventually resulted in the situation we have today.
What is that situation exactly?
Simply put, this time the US Nomenklatura has truly achieved total power. Not only do they control all three of the official branches of government, they now also fully control the 4th one, the “media space”, courtesy of the US tech giants which now are openly silencing anybody who disagrees with the One And Only Official Truth As Represented By The Propaganda Outlets. This is the very first time in recent US history that a small cabal of “deep insiders” have achieved such total control of all the real instruments of power. The bad news is that they know that they are a small minority and they realize that they need to act fast to secure their hold on power. But for that they needed a pretext.
It is hardly surprising that after successfully pulling off the 9/11 false flag operation, the US Nomenklatura had no problems whatsoever pulling off the “Capitol” false flag.
Think about it: the legally organized and scheduled protest of Trump supporters was announced at least a week before it had to take place. How hard was it for those in charge of security to make sure that the protesters stay in one specific location? At the very least, those in charge of security could have done what Lukashenko eventually did in Mink: place military and police forces around all the important symbolic buildings and monuments and say “you are welcome to protest, but don’t even think of trying to take over any government property” (that approach worked much better than beating up protesters, which Lukashenko initially had tried). Yet what we saw was the exact opposite: in DC protesters were invited across police lines by cops. Not only that, but even those protesters which did enter the Capitol were, apparently, not violent enough, so it had to be one of the cops to shoot an unarmed and clearly non-dangerous woman, thereby providing the “sacrificial victim” needed to justify the hysterics about “violence” and “rule of law”.
And the worst part is that it worked, even Trump ended up condemning the “violence” and denouncing those who, according to Trump, did not represent the people.
The hard truth is much simpler: the “stop the steal” protestors did not commit any real violence! Yes, they broke some furniture, had some fights with cops (who initially were inviting people in, only to then violently turn against them with batons, pepper sprays and flash-bang grenades). Some reports say that one cop was hit by a fire extinguisher. If true, that would be a case of assault with a deadly weapon (under US law any object capable of being used to kill can be considered a deadly weapon when used for that purpose). But considering the nonstop hysteria about guns, the NRA and “armed militias”, this was clearly not a planned murder. Finally, a few people died, apparently from natural causes, possibly made worse by the people trampling over each other. In other words, the Trump supporters did not kill anybody deliberately, at most they can be accused of creating the circumstances which resulted in manslaughter. That was not murder. Not even close. Want to see what a planned murder looks like? Just look at the footage of the Ashli Babbitt murder by some kind of armed official. That is real murder, and it was committed by a armed official. So which side is most guilty of violating laws and regulations?
Furthermore, no moral value can be respected unless it is universally and equally applied. Which, considering that the US deep state has engaged in a full year of wanton mass violence against hundreds of innocent US citizens makes it unbelievably hypocritical for the US liberals to denounce “the mob” now. Frankly, the way I see it, all the US liberals should now “take a knee” before the pro-Trump protestors and declare that this was a “mostly peaceful” event which, objectively speaking, it was.
Won’t happen. I know.
What will happen next is going to be a vicious crackdown on free speech in all its forms. In fact, and just to use a Marxist notion, what comes next is class warfare.
We have all seen Pelosi and the rest of them demanding that Trump either be removed by Pence and the Cabinet (25th A.), or they will unleash another impeachment. First, if impeached, Trump won’t be able to run in 2024 (which the liberals fully realize is a major risk for them). But even more important, is to humiliate him, make him pay, show him once and for all “who is boss”! These people thrive on revenge and victory is never enough to appease them, they simply hate anybody who dares oppose them and they want to make an example of any and every serf who dares to disobey them. That is why they always send “messages”, no matter how inchoate: they want to bully all the deplorables on the planet into total subservience.
But they won’t stop with just Trump. Oh no! They will also go after all those serfs who dared defy this Nomenklatura and who objected to the wholesale repudiation of the US Constitution. For example, in a truly Orwellian move, the NY State Bar now wants to disbar Giuliani for acting as Trump’s lawyer (not a joke, check here). Which, considering that Trump already lost several lawyers to such tactics should not come as a surprise to anybody: apparently, in the “new 2021 Woke-USA”, some are more entitled to legal representation than others.
Don’t expect the ACLU to protest, by the way – equal protection under the law is not a topic of interest to them. Here are a few screenshots take off their website, so see for yourself.
Clearly, the priority for the folks at the ACLU is to destroy Trump and anybody daring to take up his defense.
One one hand, this is truly an absolute disaster, because when the US ruling Nomenklatura agrees to drop any past pretenses of objectivity, or even decency, things will definitely get ugly. On the other hand, however, this immense “coming out” of the US Nomenklatura is, of course, unsustainable (just look at history, every time these folks thought that they had crushed the “plebes”, the latter ended up rising and showing their supposed “masters” to the door; this will happen here too).
Last, but not least, let’s keep another crucial thing in mind: even if you absolutely hate Trump, you really should realize that it is not just “the vote” which was stolen, it was the entire US Constitutional order. While we often focus on the SCOTUS, we should not remember the many lower courts which showed a total absence of courage or dignity and which caved in to the hysterical demands of the US Nomenklatura. It is impossible to have a country under the rule of law when the courts shy away from their obligation to uphold the said rule of law and, instead, place political expediency above the letter and spirit of the law.
Furthermore, when concepts such as “legal” and “illegal” lose any objective meaning, how can any action be considered illegal or punishable?
Here is, just as an example, the Oath of Office taken by all Supreme Court Justices: (emphasis added)
“I, [NAME], do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will administer justice without respect to persons, and do equal right to the poor and to the rich, and that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent upon me as [TITLE] under the Constitution and laws of the United States. So help me God.”
And this is what each member of the US Armed Forces swears: (emphasis added)
“I, (state name of enlistee), do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same; and that I will obey the orders of the President of the United States and the orders of the officers appointed over me, according to regulations and the Uniform Code of Military Justice. (So help me God).”
It does not take a genius to figure out that the SCOTUS is now in the hands of a small cabal of people who clearly are “domestic enemies” of the US Constitution.
Finally, here is what the Preamble to the Declaration of Independence states: (emphasis added)
“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.–That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed,–That whenever any Form of Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the People to alter or to abolish it, and to institute new Government, laying its foundation on such principles and organizing its powers in such form, as to them shall seem most likely to effect their Safety and Happiness. Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”
I don’t think that there is any need to further beat this dead horse and I will simply summarize it as so:
The regime which will soon replace the Trump Administration is an illegal occupation government, with strong ties to foreign interests (and I don’t mean China or Russia here!), which all those who served in the US military have taken an oath to oppose; this is precisely the kind of occupation regime which the Founding Fathers foresaw in their Declaration of Independence. Furthermore, the rule of law has clearly collapsed, at least on the federal level, this should give the states more freedom of movement to resist the decrees of this new regime (at least those states still willing and able to resist, I think of TX and FL here). The leaders of this US Nomenklatura understand this, at least on some level, and we should expect no decency from them; neither should we expect any mercy. Revenge is what fuels these ideology- and hate-filled people who loathe and fear all the rest of humanity because nobody is willing to worship them as our “lords and masters”. But this is also the beginning of their end.
Conclusion: now we are all Palestinians!
True, no “mob” won on the Capitol, unless we refer to the (disgraced, hated and useless) Congress as “the mob”. And, of course, neither did “the people” or the protesters. The only real winner in this entire operation was the US deep state and the US Nomenklatura. But they did not win any war, only the opening battle of a war which will be much longer than what they imagine in their ignorance.
I have said it many times, Trump really destroyed the USA externally, in terms of world politics. The Dems have done the same thing, only internally. For example, Trump is the one who most arrogantly ignored the rule of law in international affairs, but it was the Dems who destroyed the rule of law inside the USA. It was Trump who with his antics and narcissistic threats urbi et orbi who destroyed any credibility left for the USA as a country (or even of the the AngloZionist Empire as a whole), but it was the Dems who really decided to sabotage the very political system which allowed them to seize power in the first place.
What comes next is the illegal rule of an illegitimate regime which came to power by violence (BLM, Antifa, Capitol false flag). This will be a Soviet-style gerontocracy with senile figureheads pretending to be in power (think Biden vs Chernenko here). Looking at the old, Obama-era, names which are circulated now for future Cabinet positions, we can bet on two things: the new rulers will be as evil as they will be grossly incompetent, mostly due to their crass lack of education (even Nuland and Psaki are back, it appears!). The Biden admin will be similar to the rule of Kerensky in “democratic” Russia: chaos, violence, lots and lots of speeches and total social and economic chaos. The next crucial, and even frightening, question now is: what will replace this US version of a Kerensky regime?
It is way too early to reply to this question, but we should at least begin to think about it, lest we be completely caught off guard.
But until then, “domestic terrorism” will, once again, become the boogeyman we will be told to fear. And, as all good boys and girls know, the best way to deal with such a horrible “domestic terrorism” threat is to dismantle the First and Second Amendments of the Constitution. Having corrupt kangaroo courts on all levels, from the small claims level to the Supreme court, will greatly help in this endeavor. Of course, there will be resistance from the deplorables who still love their country and their Constitution.
But no matter how long this takes (might be decades) and how violent this confrontation becomes (and, it will, if only because the regime vitally needs more false flags to survive!), what will happen with this occupation regime is what happened to all of them throughout history (could that be the reason why history is not taught anymore?).
As the Russian poet and bard, Vladimir Vissotski, wrote “it is impossible to trample upon souls with boots” (сапогами не вытоптать душу). Now we are all Palestinians. And we, like they, will win!