Nota original:

Continuación de Parte I, aquí:

En inglés al pie.

Por Brian Robertson

La cuestión directamente relacionada con la viabilidad de RFK como candidato es: ¿Hasta dónde puede llegar su apetito? Una de las razones por las cuales Kennedy ha tenido un mayor impacto que el esperado es que su crítica a un gobierno capturado por los intereses corporativos y del Deep State se extiende más allá de su crítica personal a su presumiblemente oponente de la primaria, el desventurado Joe Biden. Como un ejemplo, coloca en Trump gran parte de la culpa con la calamitosa respuesta de los EEUU al COVID. Señala que el argumento de Trumpo por el cual él no es responsable de la devastación económica, educacional y de salud mental que provocaron las cuarentenas por COVID se limita a insistir que él presionó para que la actividad siguiera, los negocios siguieran abiertos, pero que fue superado por la poderosa burocracia de la salud pública. Kenney soporta su caso al decir que es una pobre excusa por parte del líder del Mundo Libre, particularmente uno que se trata de vender a sí mismo como el exterminador de dragones del Deep State. Trump fue consistentemente superado y manipulado por sus oponentes a lo largo de toda su administración, sostiene RFK, y la incompetencia, narcisismo, y falta de comprensión de cómo funciona Washington nunca fue más evidente que en la forma en que manejó esta crisis.

Trump es vulnerable, tanto si miramos cómo cedió ante Fauci y Birx con las cuarentenas y el cierre de escuelas, sino también con las vacunas. Aunque Trump insiste en que él nunca estuvo a favor de la vacunación obligatoria, la misma fue instituida por parte de compañías privadas y gobiernos locales durante su mandato con poco o ninguna oposición de su parte. Y Trump continúa mandándose la parte con la Operación Velocidad Warp y en que "salvó millones de vidas" aún cuando la evidencia ahora muestra que las vacunas fueron puestas antes de ser verificadas con peligrosos y absurdos riesgos para la mayoría de la población la cual no estaba frente a un riesgo severo de enfermarse o morir de Covid. Como señala RFK, continuar sosteniendo que la respuesta de los EEUU al COVID fue exitosa cuando los EEUU ha sufrido los peores resultados de salud de cualquier otro gobierno del mundo es ábsurdo. No sólo eso, sino que el fraude científico perpetrado por las compañías farmacéuticas con la colusión de la burocracia de los organismos de control, y el gasto mayúsculo en propaganda financiada por el estado federal compuesto de mentiras y engaños sobre la vacuna por parte de todos los medios de comunicación de los EEUU (así como la supresión de las opiniones en disenso aún las acreditadas por profesionales de la salud, cuyas advertencias demostraron ser precisas y correctas) hoy todo el mundo las puede ver con claridad. Una gran parte de la base de Trump sabe que la Operación Velocidad Warp fue un desastre; más aún, un crimen.

Pero mientras un creciente escepticismo tanto de derecha como de izquierda sobre los diktats del sistema norteamericano de salud, así como la creciente comprensión que los globalistas, con su nefaria agenda, manipularon la crisis para extraer una ganancia, cerrar toda forma de debate, e instituir recortes a las garantías constitucionales sin precedentes; al tiempo de poner en funcionamiento sistemas de control y monitoreo de la población, hay límites a cuán lejos los votantes están dispuestos a reexaminar su decisión hecha desde la pandemia - particularmente si ellos fueron cómplices en esas decisiones. Por 16 meses, Ed Dowd intentó llamar la atención sobre el hecho de que la tasa de muerte entre personas que tienen pólizas de seguro de vida entre 18 y 64 años son - impactantes - un 40% más altas de lo esperado luego de dos años de administración de la vacuna contra COVID, sin ninguna de los masivos efectos atribuibles al COVID. Dowd publicó un libro, "Cause Unknown" ["Causa desconocida"] en el cual detalladamente documenta el exceo de muertes verificables con las estadísticas públicas del gobierno de EEUU sobre muerte y discapacidad, abierto por edad y tipo de empleo. Parte de sus tesis es que los datos muestran un enorme incremento en todas las causas de mortalidad entre gente relativamente joven y de bajo riesgo de COVID y que no pudieron esconderse indefinidamente, porque las compañías de seguro de vida estarían con la obligación de hacer los pagos y presentar balances largamente deficitarios. Un ex periodista del New York Times, Alex Berenson, en forma similar apunta que las estadísticas muestran no sólo el exceso en muertos en países con alta cobertura de vacunación, sino una caída abrupta en la fertilidad en esos mismos países, que coincide con exactitud, en la administración de la vacuna. Ningún medio de comunicación ha mostrado la más mínima curiosidad en el tema.

El error de esta tesis es que estas importantes consecuencias requerirán una explicación pública cuando la población tome conciencia de las catastróficas consecuencias sufridas y a sufrir; se presenta el hecho de que cuando existe una inversión emocional mayoritaria por parte de la población a cumplir los diktats del régimen que limita las elecciones personales de salud a los individuos y familias, como la obligatoriedad de la vacuna, las implicaciones de simplemente reconocer que uno pudo haber sido engañado son demasiado para asimilar. Es mejor ni entrar en ese tema.

Existe un fuerte paralelismo con el tema de la terapia trans y la cirugía que muchos padres permitieron que les sea impuesta por menores confundidos en sus sexo luego de ser presionados y asustados por parte de "expertos" médicos y psicólogos que les dijeron que si no "afirmaban" a sus chicos en la "identidad de género" el resultado sería un daño. Una vez que se incursionó en el camino de provocarle un daño irreparable al hijo al ser castrado químicamente o mutilado, están demasiado comprometidos en el movimiento trans como para reconocer que se equivocaron. Por su propia sanidad, tienen que doblar la apuesta y convencerse a sí mismos de que tuvieron razón. Son esos padres que se encuentran a la vanguardia de un feroz movimiento que exige aceptación y soporte de la decisión que ellos hicieron, dejando de lado la creciente evidencia que su trágico error de juicio por el cual dañaron irreparablemente a sus hijos. Son la facción más fanática que pide censurar todas las opiniones en disenso, o abrir la discusión, bajo la excusa de que es discurso "dañino". Ha sido una estrategia exitosamente efectiva.

Entonces, es por padres que evaluaron con liviandad el alto riesgo para sus hijos aplicarle una vacuna experimental; más si se lo compara con el insignificante riesgo que el COVID infligía a la gente joven. Estas personas fueron guiadas por expertos que los incitaron a que vacunaran a sus hijo; los médicos jugaron con el deseo de los padres de volver a la normalidad. Antes que preguntarse si jugaron a la ruleta rusa con la salud de sus propios hijos, y con su futura fertilidad, sin razón alguna, es más probable que le den la espalda a las advertencias y acepten la presión política, social y mediática que se ejerció sobre ellos.

Y si esto es verdad sobre la debacle de las vacunas de COVID, a pesar del obvio fracaso para cumplir las promesas que dieron acreditados expertos y a pesar de los obvios daños producidos por la vacuna, que arruinaron la vida de gente alrededor de cada uno, es más cierto aún cuando se reexamina la posibilidad de establecer un nexo entre la explosión de vacunas insertadas en el calendario de vacunas y la explosión de aparición de autismo y enfermedades autoinmunes. Cualquier político que sugiera a  los padres que tal vez no actuaron cuidando los mejores intereses de sus hijos al "confiar en la ciencia" y seguir el calendario infantil de vacunación (esencialmente mandatorio para concurrir a la escuela), cualquier político que lo sugiera se va a encontrar que tiene frente a sí una batalla cuesta arriba, como poco. La dificultad nada tendrá que ve con la evidencia, sino con la predisposición (o la falta de ella) por parte de millones de norteamericanos de siquiera contemplar la noción de que el aparato regulatorio médico en el cual confían esta comprometido sin remedio y podrido en su esencia.

Si bien muchos más norteamericanos están dispuestos a considerar la posibilidad, luego de la calamidad del COVID, ¿será suficiente para superar y ganar al complejo médico-industrial y su robusta maquinaria de propaganda que está determinada a destruir cualquier figura política nacional como Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., el cual presenta una amenaza a su poder e influencia? Veremos.

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Can RFK Jr. Overcome the Confirmation Bias of American Roulette Survivors?

It’s abundantly clear that the Democratic Party establishment and their mouthpieces in the corporate media are panicked about the surprisingly strong fundraising and poll numbers Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. has garnered since announcing his bid for the Democratic presidential nomination two months ago. Their anxiety over RFK’s candidacy has less to do with a concern that it highlights the weakness of incumbent Joe Biden (whose declining mental acuity and metastasizing corruption scandals already have Democratic strategists openly talking about replacing him with another regime sock-puppet) than it does with their terror of his potential to disrupt the reigning establishment narrative they have taken such pains to cultivate over the last three years.

As Tucker Carlson recently pointed out in a viral Twitter episode, Kennedy is obviously a much graver threat to that narrative than Donald Trump ever could be, which is why the efforts to sideline RFK’s candidacy with direct attempts to delegitimize and deplatform him are so much more blatant than they were when Trump was rising as a potential GOP nominee. After all, here is a guy that the corporate media had successfully canceled 18 years ago, doing an end run around the censorship by forcing discussion of verboten issues with a presidential run. The sheer gall!

Even more threatening than his devastating critique of the neocon Security/War State apparatus and its ruinous push for regime change in Russia, or his equally lethal appraisal of the corrupt regulatory capture of our government agencies by the industries they ostensibly oversee, is RFK’s specific takedown of the medical establishment in the United States, and its thorough corruption at the hands of Big Pharma. Two years ago, when he laid out a detailed history of that corruption in the The Real Anthony Fauci, a densely argued and painstakingly documented account of Anthony Fauci’s career and his central role in perverting the entire medical and scientific research establishment, it was relatively easy for that establishment and its apologists to avoid engagement with RFK’s thoroughly documented assertions. Central to Kennedy’s book is the account of the deep financial entanglements between Big Pharma and the government health agencies ostensibly responsible for the industry’s regulation. Fauci personally benefited from the “regulatory capture” of the government health agencies that Kennedy documents, both in terms of the power he accrued to himself as a result of the control he exerted over scientific and medical research purse strings, and because of the Big Pharma revenue streams he created for his own National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) and numerous other federal health agencies. While the book sold over a million copies, the effective media blackout allowed the Fauci cabal to sidestep engagement with any of the book’s carefully documented allegations.

Now, with renewed access to alternative media platforms and renewed interest in his views as a result of his presidential run, the media blackout is collapsing. Continued censorship by network news hacks and cable dinosaurs like MSNBC, CNN, and FOX with their plummeting viewership means little when Kennedy now has access to vast audiences such as that of Joe Rogan, who had RFK on for three hours last month for an in depth interview in which he was given the opportunity to correct the record about his assertions regarding vaccine safety. It turns out, as many Americans heard for the first time in the interview, that Kennedy’s views on the matter are hardly extreme, and characterizing him as an “anti-vaxer” is simply a method of discrediting him to avoid engagement or debate.

In actuality, Kennedy merely recommends requiring the same regimen of pre-authorization safety testing mandated for every other drug approved by the FDA and calls for further study of the concurrence between the explosion of the childhood vaccine schedule and the explosion of autism and autoimmune diseases among children in the last three decades. He further made a compelling case that the origin of his cancelation from the national debate, a blockbuster 2005 expose simultaneously published in Rolling Stone and Salon entitled “Deadly Immunity” was never, in fact, debunked, but only withdrawn from publication years later under concerted corporate pressure on the publishers from the pharmaceutical industry. The gist of that piece—that the NIH convened a secret damage-control conference in Simpsonwood, Georgia in 2000 after realizing that a study they themselves had commissioned confirmed a link between Thimerosal-containing vaccines and autism—is immediately verifiable when one simply reviews the transcript of the conference.

Kennedy also took the opportunity of the Rogan podcast to highlight the hypocrisy and the evolving, self-contradictory public statements of Dr. Peter Hotez, perhaps the most prominent promoter of the Covid vaccine over the last three years aside from Dr. Fauci himself. Although Hotez pointed to “unique potential safety problems” related to the Covid vaccines in 2020 Congressional testimony related to Trump’s “Operation Warp Speed” push for urgent approval of the vaccine, Hotez did a complete 180 turn once Biden took office, insisting without qualification on their absolute safety and efficacy. As the vaccines serially failed to live up to his guarantees of “long lasting protection” against disease and transmission, Hotez ludicrously doubled down on hawking the vaccine, first lying that “I’ve always said this is a three-dose vaccine,” then insisting that “a fourth immunization” would be necessary “to keep the country going,” and finally recommending that a booster “every few months” would be necessary because the immunity from the completely safe and effective vaccine “isn’t holding up as well as we would like.” In his last round of Covid vax hucksterism, he was urging that the shots be mandated for children and babies. With a record like that, Hotez is, of course, universally venerated as a selfless Man of Science by his fawning talking-head interviewers.

Some of those paying attention may recall that HHS documents published last year through a Freedom of Information Act request revealed that the government had purchased advertising to promote vaccine uptake from major news networks including ABC, CBS, NBC, Fox News, Newsmax, CNN, and MSNBC, as well as legacy media publications including the New York Post, the Los Angeles TimesWall Street Journal, and the Washington Post. Hundreds of news agencies were paid hundreds of millions of dollars by the federal government to advertise the official line that the vaccines were completely safe and effective. So, it should come as no surprise that the cowardly regime throne sniffers who provided the likes of Hotez and Fauci with an uncritical platform to spew transparently inconsistent, contradictory messaging and justifications for the “official” vaccine position over the last three years should recoil in horror at the very notion of providing a platform to perhaps the most informed critic of that regime.

Almost immediately, the attack dogs were loosed on Rogan and his podcast sponsor, Spotify. Dr. Hotez made the mistake of retweeting a hysterical hit piece in Vice by self-styled “misinformation” reporter Anna Merian entitled “Spotify has Stopped Even Sort of Trying to Stem Joe Rogan’s Vaccine Misinformation,” a not-so-thinly-veiled attempt at getting Rogan cancelled for having the temerity to provide RFK with a platform. Rogan responded to the provocation by offering Hotez $100k (the pot grew to over $1 million) and unlimited time to debate Kennedy on his podcast in order to refute his contentions. Hotez huffily refused, claiming that because “200,000 unvaccinated Americans needlessly perished during [the pandemic] because they fell victim to vaccine disinformation,” he would not be a party to inflicting further harm. He would be glad to appear on Rogan’s show again himself—but not with someone who knows the science well enough to dispute his rickety claims.

Despite 99 percent of the media running cover for Hotez—with the inevitable analogies of “Why would you dignify a Science Denier? Would you dignify a Holocaust denier by providing him with a platform?”—it was clear to many that one of the most prominent purveyors of the official position on vaccine efficacy had been outed as a fraud and a charlatan. That impression was confirmed by the revelation that Hotez received over $6 million from the NIH for the development of a SARS vaccine and had helped to fund the risky gain-of-function research on coronaviruses at the Wuhan Institute of Virology that led directly to the Covid pandemic (adding important context to his vociferous insistence that Covid-19 could not possibly have been a result of a lab leak, and that those promoting the theory were conspiracy mongers). It’s pretty obvious that after three years of continuous gaslighting, self-contradictory pronouncements, and transparently absurd lies about everything related to the COVID pandemic from the Fauci-controlled public health establishment, there is now a greater appetite among the American people for an account that would explain the catastrophe they have experienced and the reasons for the obvious deceptions to which they have been subjected.

The question directly related to the viability of RFK’s candidacy is: Just how far does that appetite go? One reason Kennedy has had a bigger impact than expected is that his critique of the capture of government by corporate and Deep State interests extends beyond a personal critique of his presumed primary opponent, the hapless incumbent Joe Biden. As an example, he pins much of the blame for our calamitous Covid response on Trump. He pointed out that Trump’s argument for why he was not responsible for the economic, educational, and mental health devastation of the Covid shutdowns boils down to insisting that he pushed to keep things open, but was rolled by the powerful public health bureaucracy. Kennedy makes the case that is a poor excuse for the leader of the Free World, particularly one who promotes himself as dragon-slayer of the Deep State. Trump was consistently rolled and manipulated by his opponents throughout his administration, RFK argues, and the incompetence, narcissism, and lack of understanding of how Washington works were never more apparent than in his handling of this crisis.

Trump is vulnerable, both with regard to his caving to Fauci and Birx on the Covid shutdowns and school closures, and perhaps especially on the vaccines. Although he insists he never favored mandates, many were instituted on his watch by private companies and local governments with little to no pushback from him. And he continues to brag about Operation Warp Speed, and “saving millions of lives,” even when the evidence now shows that the rushed vaccines were a dangerous and absurd risk for most of the population not in danger of severe illness or death from Covid. As RFK notes, continuing to point to our Covid response as a success story when the U.S. had the worst health outcomes of any country in the world is ludicrous. Not only that, but the scientific fraud perpetuated by pharmaceutical companies with the collusion of the health regulatory agencies, and the massive government-funded propaganda campaign of lies and misrepresentations about the vaccine on the part of the entire U.S. media (as well as the suppression of dissenting opinions even of credentialed health professionals, whose warnings proved all too accurate) are now clear for all who care to see it. A large part of Trump’s base knows that Operation Warp Speed was a disaster, even a crime.

But while there is a growing skepticism on both the right and the left about the diktats of the American health establishment, as well as a growing realization that globalists with a nefarious agenda manipulated the crisis to extract profit, to shut down debate, to institute unprecedented curtailments of Constitutional freedoms, and to put into place systems to control and monitor the population, there may very well be a limit to how far voters will go in reexamining the decisions made since the pandemic—particularly if they were complicit in those decisions. For 16 months, Ed Dowd has attempted to draw attention to the fact that death rates among life insurance policy holders between the ages of 18 and 64 are a shocking 40 percent higher than expected over the last two years corresponding precisely with the administration of the Covid vaccine, with none of that massive spike attributable to Covid. Dowd published a compelling book, Cause Unknown, in which he thoroughly documented the excess deaths using verifiable U.S. government statistics on death and disability broken down by age group and employment status. Part of his thesis was that the data showing an enormous increase in all-cause mortality among relatively healthy demographics at low risk from Covid could not be hidden from the public indefinitely, because the life insurance companies would be on the hook for unforeseen death benefits adding up to billions of dollars that had to be accounted for in annual reports. Former New York Times reporter Alex Berenson similarly points to statistics showing not only massive excess death rates in highly vaccinated countries, but plummeting fertility in those same countries that tracks exactly with the administration of the vaccines. Neither blockbuster story has elicited the slightest bit of curiosity.

The flaw in the thesis that these existentially important developments will require a public accounting when the population inevitably wakes up to the catastrophic consequences is the fact that when you have massive buy in on the part of a population to regime diktats that compel personal health choices for individuals and families, such as vaccine mandates, the implications of even acknowledging that one may have been duped are too overwhelming to even entertain. It’s better just not to go there.

There is a strong parallel with the issue of Trans therapy and surgery that so many parents have allowed to be imposed on their gender-confused minor children after being scared into it by the medical and psychological “experts” who tell them that failing to “affirm” their child’s “gender identity” will result in harm. Once they have gone down the road of allowing their child to be irreparably chemically castrated or sexually mutilated, they are too invested in the Trans movement to ever acknowledge it was a mistake. For their own sanity, they have to double down and convince themselves they were right. It is those parents who are at the vanguard of the ferocious movement to demand acceptance and support from all for their decision, regardless of the growing evidence that it was a tragic misjudgment that irrevocably damaged their children. They are the most fanatical faction about shutting down any dissenting opinions, or even discussion of the issue, as “harmful” speech. It has been a remarkably effective strategy.

So, it is with many parents who gave little thought to the relatively high risk to their children from an experimental vaccine when compared with the statistically insignificant risk that the Covid virus poses to young people, and were driven by the medical experts to encourage or procure vaccination for their children out of a desperate desire to get back to normal life. Rather than entertain the idea that they have just played Russian roulette with their own child’s health and future fertility for no good reason, they are more likely to double down on the wisdom of going along with the pressure.

And if this is true for the debacle of the Covid vaccines, despite their obvious failure to live up to the promises of the accredited experts and despite the obvious vaccine injury that touches the lives of so many around them, it is all the more true when it comes to reexamining the possibility of a link between the explosion in childhood vaccine schedule and explosion of autism and autoimmune diseases. Any politician suggesting that parents may not have acted in the best interests of their children by “trusting the science” and following the childhood vaccine schedule (essentially mandated for school attendance) is going to have an uphill battle, to say the least. The difficulty will have nothing to do with the evidence, it will have to do with the disposition of countless millions of Americans to even entertain the notion that the medical regulatory apparatus they trusted is hopelessly compromised and rotten to the core.

While many more Americans are willing to consider that possibility after the Covid calamity, will it be enough to overcome the medical-industrial complex and their still robust propaganda machine determined to destroy any national political figure like Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., who poses a threat to their power and influence? We shall see.

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