Perdimos el control de nuestros país en manos de las fuerzas de la sinrazón

Autor: Gerald Warner (@GeraldWarner1)

Comentario de la editora de Restaurar: este blog monitorea en forma permanente la situación británica en diferentes esferas y los conflictos - insolubles o no - que enfrenta la nación que ocupa un tercio de nuestra superficie marítima y terrestre y tiene fuertes lazos militares con Uruguay y Chile, para cercenar - entre otras cosas - nuestros derechos sobre la Antártida. Recordemos que hace 41 años que el mundo "Occidental", a pedido del Reino Unido, nos somete a un inexpugnable embargo de material bélico, entre otras lindezas. Por eso invitamos a nuestros lectores a leer toda la información disponible sobre la realidad británica. Hay que entender que la visión "conservadora" suele ser alarmista y la sangra - británica - no siempre llega al río.

El Sr. Gerald Warner es un amigo de la casa. Invitamos a leer su excelente artículo sobre el asesinato de Alfie Evans:  EL ESTABLISHMENT BRITÁNICO CONTRA ALFIE EVANS.

La imagen podría haberse originado en cualquiera de un gran número de países del Tercer Mundo: una turba de manifestantes, con sus rostros distorsionados por el odio, repitiendo cánticos y exigiendo “¡Jihad!” contra los judíos, “desde el río hasta el mar”. Sólo cuando la cámara retrocedió para revelar los majestuosos edificios gubernamentales que bordeaban Whitehall, la terrible realidad se hizo evidente: esto era Londres.

No el Londres tan atractivo para los turistas extranjeros, supuestamente poblado por caballeros con bombines y paraguas en la City; no, esto era el Londres tal como es después de un cuarto de siglo de sucesivos gobiernos laboristas y conservadores, un caldero de odio por dos tribus de ultramar, que hace que las elegantes calles que alguna vez transitaron el duque de Wellington y Beau Brummell sean indistinguibles de un disturbio en Yemen.

¿Podríamos confiar en que nuestra mundialmente famosa fuerza policial, los indomables “Bobbies” de Londres, restaurarían el orden? Temo que no. La policía está demasiado ocupada investigando y difundiendo los matices etimológicos del término “jihad” como para arrestar a nadie. "La palabra yihad tiene varios significados", explicó la Policía Metropolitana con petulancia, "pero sabemos que el público la asociará con el terrorismo". Esa fue la frase que nos dejó todo en claro.

"Tenemos oficiales especialistas en antiterrorismo aquí en la sala de operaciones", continuó el comunicado, "que tienen un conocimiento particular en esta área". (Dios mío, han revisado Wikipedia). La Policía Metropolitana de Londres estaba dispuesta a hacer todo lo posible para encontrar una excusa para no arrestar a quienes abogaban por el exterminio de los judíos. ¿Podría tal vez argumentarse que “jihad”, en sánscrito demótico, significa “taza de té”?

Inútilmente, la propia guía de la Policía Metropolitana, bajo el subtítulo "¿Qué es un delito de odio?" establece que "El delito de incitación al odio ocurre cuando alguien actúa de una manera amenazante y con la intención de incitar al odio... El contenido de odio puede incluir mensajes que instan a la violencia contra una persona específica". O grupo. Parecía que la definición encajaba en el caso descripto; por lo tanto requería que los agentes de policía intervinieran y arrestaran a personas de apariencia peligrosa que podrían hacerles daño.

Cuando surge ese tipo de problema, como la movilización pro Palestina, la suerte de un policía no es feliz. Las fuerzas policiales británicas disfrutan cuando van siete a uno a arrestar a una adolescente autista, o a arrestar a una mujer solitaria por orar en silencio, o mejor aún, pasar el día frente a una pantalla de computadora. como cuando 900 agentes de policía fueron asignados por Cressida Dick a encontrar a alguien que ofendiera gente por las redes sociales. Enfrentarse a una turba de más de 100.000 fanáticos musulmanes que gritan por la yihad (en el sentido que no es una taza de té) no es realmente lo suyo.

La policía teme a los delincuentes violentos y a las grandes multitudes de activistas políticos. En el último caso, suelen simpatizar con sus opiniones antibritánicas de extrema izquierda. La calidad del personal policial actual es pobre y a muchos se les ha lavado el cerebro para que hagan progres: “arrodillarse” en honor a una organización marxista violenta, mostrar un partidismo político descarado luciendo patrullas de colores e insignias de uniforme, “perrear” con manifestantes, velando por la comodidad de los bribones climáticos que bloquean las carreteras.

La idea de que esos bufones representen la ley y el orden es absurda. La subversión de la policía comenzó hace mucho tiempo, cuando se alentó a Common Purpose a lavar el cerebro a líderes potenciales en los servicios públicos, a pesar de las opiniones trotskistas de su jefe. Necesitamos un tribunal serio, posiblemente una comisión real, para desintoxicar a las fuerzas policiales británicas poniendo fin a sus prejuicios políticos. Stonewall debería ser expulsado de todas las áreas del gobierno y sometido a investigación.

Pero lo cierto es el hecho de que los eunucos de nuestras fuerzas policiales permitieran que violentas manifestaciones islamistas arrasaran sin control, nos proporcionó una visión instructiva de lo que nuestros políticos le han hecho a este país durante el último cuarto de siglo.

La inmigración masiva, acelerada por Tony Blair para “mojarle la oreja a la derecha con la cantinela de la diversidad” y continuada por los conservadores desde 2010, ha destruido a Gran Bretaña. No sólo el 14 por ciento de la actual población ha nacido en el extranjero, sino que un tercio de los nacimientos presentes son de madres extranjeras. Cada año, la migración legal equivale al doble del programa de construcción de viviendas al que aspira el gobierno; meta que nunca alcanza.

Esto es una locura. 

La migración neta durante el año pasado ascendió a 606.000. Cada fin de semana vemos el futuro casi sobre nosotros. El público británico ha perdido la voz: cuando la gente en el extranjero se pregunta "¿Qué piensa Gran Bretaña?" ven en sus pantallas una multitud enorme, echando espuma por el odio y la sinrazón. Ésa es la cara que ahora presentamos al mundo.

La BBC, una vergüenza nacional, agrava esa situación y seguirá haciéndolo hasta que se disuelva y se venda, un destino que debería haberse hecho hace mucho tiempo. El tanque séptico desbordado que llamamos Cámara de los Comunes, responsable de todos los males que han afectado a Gran Bretaña, aparte de los desastres naturales, sigue trabajando asiduamente para demoler la nación, salvaguardando a la BBC, el punitivo sistema fiscal, el deterioro de nuestras fuerzas armadas y cada vestigio precioso del dominio de la Unión Europea.

Nuestras universidades son focos de intolerancia y seguirán siéndolo hasta que un gobierno suspenda toda financiación, hasta que las instituciones empiecen a defender la libertad de expresión, y dejen de enviar a sus estudiantes universitarios a intimidar o “cancelar” para otros e implementen un sistema de selección de personal que abarque todas las opiniones políticas. Los principales medios masivos son igualmente subversivos de la verdad, pero son menos preocupantes ya que están muriendo de muerte natural. En todas partes se están traicionando las expectativas perfectamente razonables de la gente corriente. A los padres se les niega información sobre material sexual siniestro que se inflige a niños pequeños en escuelas que no cuentan con un proceso de rendición de cuentas públicas. El Sistema Nacional de Salud (británico) está gastando millones en programas ideológicos de ultraizquierda relacionados con el sexo y la raza, y algunas de las consecuencias en realidad representan una amenaza clínica para los pacientes. Por encima de todo, la libertad de expresión es un recuerdo lejano. Revertir ese avance totalitario es una prioridad. Los británicos se han ganado desde hace tiempo el derecho a decir lo que piensan: que sean silenciados por una alianza impía de parlamentarios corruptos, ONG activistas, grupos de presión fuertemente financiados y tontos de todo tipo es intolerable. En el extranjero, nuestro Rey les está diciendo a los africanos qué nación malvada es Gran Bretaña. En casa, nuestros museos han sido infantilizados y convertidos en réplicas baratas de las instituciones propagandistas soviéticas. Nuestros planes de estudio universitarios están siendo destrozados hasta convertirse en analfabetizadores. Años de lavado de cerebro, como agua sobre piedra, han producido una generación en la que un gran número de personas simpatizan con Hamás y bárbaros similares. Esto no es del todo nuevo, como recordará cualquiera que haya estado presente en alguna agrupación universitaria en 1975 y fuera testigo de los fervientes aplausos de nuestras mejores mentes cuando los Jemeres Rojos entraron en Phnom Penh para comenzar su ambicioso programa de genocidio; pero la esperanza podría haber sido que pudiéramos aprender de los errores del pasado. Gran Bretaña, tal como la conocimos, ahora es irrecuperable.

La lucha ahora será recuperar suficiente control e identidad nacional para evitar que esta isla se convierta en nada más que un escenario en el que se libran las extensiones terroristas y propagandistas de las guerras de otros pueblos, por encima de la población nativa. Es alarmante pensar que actualmente estemos albergando células terroristas y cómo pueden llegar a manifestarse. El conflicto palestino-israelí se originó en un gran traslado de población, presidido por el gobierno británico. Los “Troubles” irlandeses, el conflicto comparable más cercano que afectó a Gran Bretaña en los tiempos modernos, también fue el resultado de un trasplante demográfico prepotente al Ulster por parte de un gobierno británico en 1608-1610. Durante el último cuarto de siglo, los gobiernos británicos han vuelto a hacerlo, esta vez enviando enormes cantidades de inmigrantes mutuamente incompatibles a nuestra propia isla superpoblada. ¿Cuándo se darán cuenta nuestros gobernantes de que las grandes transferencias de población diseñadas en un escritorio invariablemente resultan en una catástrofe? A menos que se imponga una moratoria de 10 años a la inmigración legal en un futuro muy cercano, las escenas distópicas que hemos presenciado en las últimas semanas se convertirán en avances de la película principal con clasificación X. La situación es realmente así de cruda.

* * *

The image could have originated in any one of a large number of Third World countries: a mob of demonstrators, their faces distorted with hatred, repeating chants and demanding “Jihad!” against the Jews, “from the river to the sea”. Only when the camera panned back to reveal stately government buildings lining Whitehall did the dreadful reality become evident: this was London.

Not the London so alluring to foreign tourists, supposedly populated by city gents in bowler hats sporting tightly furled umbrellas, or Beefeaters in Tudor ruffs; no, this was London as it is after a quarter of a century of successive Labour and Tory rule, a cauldron of hate directed between two overseas tribes, making the elegant streets once trodden by the Duke of Wellington and Beau Brummell indistinguishable from a riot-stricken souk in Yemen.

Surely, though, our world-famous police force, the indomitable London “Bobbies”, could be relied on to restore order? Sorry, no, the police are far too busy researching and disseminating the etymological nuances of the term “jihad” to arrest anyone. “The word jihad has a number of meanings,” the Metropolitan Police explained loftily, “but we know the public will most commonly associate it with terrorism.” That was the insightful bit.

“We have specialist counter terrorism officers here in the operations room,” the statement continued, “who have particular knowledge in this area.” (Gawd, Plod has been on Wikipedia.) The Met was prepared to go to any lengths to find an excuse not to arrest those advocating extermination of the Jews. Could it perhaps be argued that “jihad”, in demotic Sanskrit, means “cup of tea”? 

Unhelpfully, the Met’s own “What is hate crime” guidance states that “The offence of incitement to hatred occurs when someone acts in a way that is threatening and intended to stir up hatred… Hate content may include messages calling for violence against a specific person or group.” That looked disturbingly like a requirement for police officers to challenge and arrest dangerous-looking people who might do them harm, if provoked.

When that sort of problem arises, a policeman’s lot is not a happy one. British police forces are happy to go seven-to-one in arresting an autistic teenager, or even shorter odds to arrest a lone woman for praying silently inside her head, or, best of all, spending the day in front of a computer screen, as one of the 900 police officers the former regime of Cressida Dick allocated to find someone giving “offence” online. But facing up to a mob of more than 100,000 Muslim fanatics shouting for jihad (in the non-cup of tea sense) is not really Plod’s thing.

The police are afraid of violent criminals and large crowds of political activists. In the latter case, they are usually in sympathy with their far-left, anti-British views. The quality of present-day police personnel is poor and many have been brainwashed into wokery: “taking the knee” in honour of a violent Marxist organisation, displaying blatant political partisanship by sporting rainbow patrol cars and uniform insignia, “twerking” with demonstrators, seeing to the comfort of climate loons blocking roads.

The notion of those buffoons representing law and order is absurd. The subversion of the police began a long time ago, when Common Purpose was encouraged to brainwash potential leaders in the public services, despite the Trotskyite views of its chief. We need a serious tribunal, possibly a royal commission, to detoxify Britain’s police forces by ending their political bias. Stonewall should be expelled from every area of government and subjected to investigation.

But the phenomenon that our eunuch police forces allowed to rampage unchecked, the violent Islamist demonstrations, provided an instructive insight into what our politicians have done to this country over the past quarter-century. Mass immigration, accelerated by Tony Blair to “rub the Right’s nose in diversity” and continued by the Tories since 2010, has destroyed Britain. Not only are 14 per cent of the population foreign-born, but one-third of births are to mothers from overseas. Every year, legal migration amounts to twice the housebuilding programme to which the government aspires, but does not achieve.

This is madness. Net migration over the past year amounted to 606,000. Every weekend now, we see the future almost upon us. The British public has lost its voice: when people overseas wonder “What does Britain think?” they see on their screens an enormous mob, foaming with hatred and unreason. That is the face we now present to the world.

The BBC, a national embarrassment, aggravates that situation and will continue to do so until it is broken up and sold off, a fate that is long overdue. The overflowed septic tank that we call the House of Commons, responsible for every ill that has befallen Britain apart from natural disasters, is still working assiduously to demolish the nation – safeguarding the BBC, the ECHR, the punitive tax system, the run-down of our armed forces and every precious vestige of EU overlordship, such as the Windsor Framework.

Our universities are hothouses of intolerance and will remain so until a government pulls the plug on all funding until institutions defend free speech, send down undergraduates intimidating or “no-platforming” others and implement a system of staff selection embracing all political views. The mainstream legacy media are similarly subversive of truth, but they are of less concern since they are dying a natural death.

Everywhere, the perfectly reasonable expectations of ordinary people are being betrayed. Parents are denied information about sinister sexual material being inflicted on young children in schools that have no process of public accountability. The NHS is spending millions on ultra-left ideological programmes relating to sex and race, some of the consequences actually posing a clinical threat to patients.

Above all, free speech is a distant memory. Reversing that totalitarian advance is a priority. Britons have long earned the right to speak their minds: that they should be silenced by an unholy alliance of corrupt MPs, activist NGOs, heavily funded lobby groups and fruitcakes of every description is intolerable.

Abroad, our King is telling Africans what an evil nation Britain is. At home, our museums have been infantilised into cheap replicas of Soviet propagandist institutions. Our university curricula are being trashed into illiteracy. Years of brainwashing, like water on stone, have produced a younger generation in which large numbers are sympathetic to Hamas and similar barbarians. 

That is not entirely new, as anyone who was present in a university union in 1975 and witnessed the fervent cheering by our finest minds, as the Khmer Rouge entered Phnom Penh to commence its ambitious programme of genocide, will recall; but the hope might have been that we could learn from past mistakes.

Britain, as we once knew it, is now irrecoverable. The struggle now will be to claw back sufficient control and national identity to prevent this island becoming nothing more than an arena in which the terrorist and propagandist extensions of other people’s wars are fought out, over the heads of the native population. It is alarming to think what terrorist sleeper cells we are probably currently harbouring and how violently they may eventually manifest themselves.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict originated in a large transfer of population, presided over by the British government. The Irish “Troubles”, the nearest comparable conflict to affect Britain in modern times, similarly resulted from a high-handed demographic transplantation into Ulster, by a British government in 1608-1610. For the past quarter-century, Britain’s governments have been at it again, this time pouring huge numbers of mutually incompatible immigrants into our own overcrowded island. When will our rulers realise that large, engineered transferences of population invariably result in catastrophe?

Unless a 10-year moratorium on legal immigration is imposed in the very near future, the dystopian scenes we have witnessed in recent weeks will become trailers for the main, X-rated feature. The situation really is as stark as that.

Write to us with your comments to be considered for publication at

We have lost control of our country to the forces of unreason

Credit: Loredana Sangiuliano / ShutterstockCredit: Loredana Sangiuliano / Shutterstock





The image could have originated in any one of a large number of Third World countries: a mob of demonstrators, their faces distorted with hatred, repeating chants and demanding “Jihad!” against the Jews, “from the river to the sea”. Only when the camera panned back to reveal stately government buildings lining Whitehall did the dreadful reality become evident: this was London.

Not the London so alluring to foreign tourists, supposedly populated by city gents in bowler hats sporting tightly furled umbrellas, or Beefeaters in Tudor ruffs; no, this was London as it is after a quarter of a century of successive Labour and Tory rule, a cauldron of hate directed between two overseas tribes, making the elegant streets once trodden by the Duke of Wellington and Beau Brummell indistinguishable from a riot-stricken souk in Yemen.

Surely, though, our world-famous police force, the indomitable London “Bobbies”, could be relied on to restore order? Sorry, no, the police are far too busy researching and disseminating the etymological nuances of the term “jihad” to arrest anyone. “The word jihad has a number of meanings,” the Metropolitan Police explained loftily, “but we know the public will most commonly associate it with terrorism.” That was the insightful bit.

“We have specialist counter terrorism officers here in the operations room,” the statement continued, “who have particular knowledge in this area.” (Gawd, Plod has been on Wikipedia.) The Met was prepared to go to any lengths to find an excuse not to arrest those advocating extermination of the Jews. Could it perhaps be argued that “jihad”, in demotic Sanskrit, means “cup of tea”? 

Unhelpfully, the Met’s own “What is hate crime” guidance states that “The offence of incitement to hatred occurs when someone acts in a way that is threatening and intended to stir up hatred… Hate content may include messages calling for violence against a specific person or group.” That looked disturbingly like a requirement for police officers to challenge and arrest dangerous-looking people who might do them harm, if provoked.

When that sort of problem arises, a policeman’s lot is not a happy one. British police forces are happy to go seven-to-one in arresting an autistic teenager, or even shorter odds to arrest a lone woman for praying silently inside her head, or, best of all, spending the day in front of a computer screen, as one of the 900 police officers the former regime of Cressida Dick allocated to find someone giving “offence” online. But facing up to a mob of more than 100,000 Muslim fanatics shouting for jihad (in the non-cup of tea sense) is not really Plod’s thing.

The police are afraid of violent criminals and large crowds of political activists. In the latter case, they are usually in sympathy with their far-left, anti-British views. The quality of present-day police personnel is poor and many have been brainwashed into wokery: “taking the knee” in honour of a violent Marxist organisation, displaying blatant political partisanship by sporting rainbow patrol cars and uniform insignia, “twerking” with demonstrators, seeing to the comfort of climate loons blocking roads.

The notion of those buffoons representing law and order is absurd. The subversion of the police began a long time ago, when Common Purpose was encouraged to brainwash potential leaders in the public services, despite the Trotskyite views of its chief. We need a serious tribunal, possibly a royal commission, to detoxify Britain’s police forces by ending their political bias. Stonewall should be expelled from every area of government and subjected to investigation.

But the phenomenon that our eunuch police forces allowed to rampage unchecked, the violent Islamist demonstrations, provided an instructive insight into what our politicians have done to this country over the past quarter-century. Mass immigration, accelerated by Tony Blair to “rub the Right’s nose in diversity” and continued by the Tories since 2010, has destroyed Britain. Not only are 14 per cent of the population foreign-born, but one-third of births are to mothers from overseas. Every year, legal migration amounts to twice the housebuilding programme to which the government aspires, but does not achieve.

This is madness. Net migration over the past year amounted to 606,000. Every weekend now, we see the future almost upon us. The British public has lost its voice: when people overseas wonder “What does Britain think?” they see on their screens an enormous mob, foaming with hatred and unreason. That is the face we now present to the world.

The BBC, a national embarrassment, aggravates that situation and will continue to do so until it is broken up and sold off, a fate that is long overdue. The overflowed septic tank that we call the House of Commons, responsible for every ill that has befallen Britain apart from natural disasters, is still working assiduously to demolish the nation – safeguarding the BBC, the ECHR, the punitive tax system, the run-down of our armed forces and every precious vestige of EU overlordship, such as the Windsor Framework.

Our universities are hothouses of intolerance and will remain so until a government pulls the plug on all funding until institutions defend free speech, send down undergraduates intimidating or “no-platforming” others and implement a system of staff selection embracing all political views. The mainstream legacy media are similarly subversive of truth, but they are of less concern since they are dying a natural death.

Everywhere, the perfectly reasonable expectations of ordinary people are being betrayed. Parents are denied information about sinister sexual material being inflicted on young children in schools that have no process of public accountability. The NHS is spending millions on ultra-left ideological programmes relating to sex and race, some of the consequences actually posing a clinical threat to patients.

Above all, free speech is a distant memory. Reversing that totalitarian advance is a priority. Britons have long earned the right to speak their minds: that they should be silenced by an unholy alliance of corrupt MPs, activist NGOs, heavily funded lobby groups and fruitcakes of every description is intolerable.

Abroad, our King is telling Africans what an evil nation Britain is. At home, our museums have been infantilised into cheap replicas of Soviet propagandist institutions. Our university curricula are being trashed into illiteracy. Years of brainwashing, like water on stone, have produced a younger generation in which large numbers are sympathetic to Hamas and similar barbarians. 

That is not entirely new, as anyone who was present in a university union in 1975 and witnessed the fervent cheering by our finest minds, as the Khmer Rouge entered Phnom Penh to commence its ambitious programme of genocide, will recall; but the hope might have been that we could learn from past mistakes.

Britain, as we once knew it, is now irrecoverable. The struggle now will be to claw back sufficient control and national identity to prevent this island becoming nothing more than an arena in which the terrorist and propagandist extensions of other people’s wars are fought out, over the heads of the native population. It is alarming to think what terrorist sleeper cells we are probably currently harbouring and how violently they may eventually manifest themselves.

The Palestinian-Israeli conflict originated in a large transfer of population, presided over by the British government. The Irish “Troubles”, the nearest comparable conflict to affect Britain in modern times, similarly resulted from a high-handed demographic transplantation into Ulster, by a British government in 1608-1610. For the past quarter-century, Britain’s governments have been at it again, this time pouring huge numbers of mutually incompatible immigrants into our own overcrowded island. When will our rulers realise that large, engineered transferences of population invariably result in catastrophe?

Unless a 10-year moratorium on legal immigration is imposed in the very near future, the dystopian scenes we have witnessed in recent weeks will become trailers for the main, X-rated feature. The situation really is as stark as that.

Write to us with your comments to be considered for publication at

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